The Roles of Society

            If I were a rabbit, I would hop. If I were a dog, I would bark. If I were a tree, I would sway in the wind. If I were a song, I would play loudly.
            If I owned a house, I would live in it. If I owned a car, I would drive it. If I owned a book, I would read it. If I owned a movie, I would watch it.
            If I were given rights, I would exercise them. If I was given a family, I would spend time with them. If I was given truth, I would apply it to my life. If I was given ten talents, I would multiply them into twenty.
            In the world today, many people do not understand or execute their roles. Just like one of the roles of a rabbit is to hop, we each have roles ourselves. As a human race, we have one role, but as individuals, we each have separate ones. To some is given great faith. To some is given knowledge; some wisdom. To some is given power. To some is given responsibility. We are each different people. No two individuals are exactly the same, and no two individuals are given the exact same package of gifts. No human is given every gift, and no human is given zero gifts. In the world today, many covet the talents or gifts of others instead of trying to develop their own gifts, and for this reason, people do not understand their roles in society today. If you do not understand your role, then you cannot execute it.
Just like us, rabbits have roles. The only difference
is they always execute them and we don't.
            However, our roles don’t only come to us through our gifts. Our roles come to us through who we are and how we were born. Some were born with great strength and large stature. Some are made small, and some are made short. Although the reasons for this are often not evident, surely there must be a reason and a role for all things. Some people are born with infirmities, sickness, or bad health. These individuals are privileged to be able to grow and become better people through battling these infirmities. Along with this privilege, each of these individuals has roles to fulfill in this life.
            Some of us are born as males, and some of us are born as females. Some are made to be men, and some are made to be women. We have seen in society today that many men want to become women, and women men. It is self evident that gender is an essential characteristic given to each of us in this life for specific purposes. Men have certain roles, and so do women. Just like any other roles, these are each different, but equal.
            Gender changes are undoubtedly the very extremities of this problem. The seed of the problem lies in the hearts of the unknowing and the hearts of the wicked. It is a man’s primary job to provide for and protect his family, and it is a woman’s primary job to nurture children. Although each gender must help the other with their role in a family setting, these two roles are different. There are exceptions, but many attempt to serve a role that is not theirs in society. Some women desire to enter the ranks of the army to defend and protect their country. This is an important job, but it is a man’s job. Many men stay at home while their wives go out and work. This is almost always the wrong action to take, and it is the result of one of two things: either people in society are ignorant, or they are evil.
            Not only is this problem evident in the personal lives of individuals. In governments of the world, even in (and especially in) the U.S. Government, officials and politicians do not understand their roles. The U.S. Constitution lays down the framework for the proper role of government, but power-seeking, corrupting politicians choose to ignore their role. This doesn’t only affect them, but it undoubtedly affects the lives of millions across the country and billions across the globe. A government’s role is to protect and secure the rights of its citizens, and to do nothing more or less than that. This is the significance of knowing and executing roles and responsibilities.
            Oppressive government sure is a problem in the world today, but perhaps the immorality in the world is an even greater problem. This takes us back to individual roles. A man is a man. A woman is a woman. Marriage is between a man and a woman. God rules all. Truth is true. Lies are false. Morality is essential to success. These are all self-evident truths that people choose to ignore.
            Maybe people just don’t execute their roles because they don’t know their roles. Even if this is the case, though, the fault lies with them. Each and every one of us has a conscience inside to tell and remind us what is right and what is wrong. We can choose to ignore those promptings, or we can choose to follow them. If the feelings don’t come, then we are doing things wrong in our lives that must be fixed in order to get that conscience back. Notice how the word “ignore” is included in the word “ignorant.” If people begin again to understand their roles and responsibilities, then this world will be better off.
            There is so much evil in this world. So many people do not understand what they should be doing, and so many people aren’t doing what they should be doing. How can we get back and turn to God? How can we remember our roles when so much bad has happened in this world and all hope seems lost? There is always hope. We must fix this world little by little. Unfortunately, circumstances don’t allow us to step up to a megaphone and tell the whole world what they should and shouldn’t be doing. However, if you can educate just one person on this issue, such a difference for good will be made in this society of the world. And if such a difference for good can be made by educating just one person, what a difference can be made for good through the education of many. Don’t lose faith; don’t lose hope. Let us execute our roles and educate others on their roles. Hope will never die.
The Roles of Society The Roles of Society Reviewed by IJ Pack on 10:29 PM Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. Isaiah, there is great wisdom in your words. I thought it was powerful how you talk about all of the things that we are ignoring as a society and then pointed out that ignoring and ignorant have the same root. I also love how you left us with a positive message at the end. It is hard to see so much confusion and chaos in the world today. I think often of the world you and your peers have to face, but when I see such truth eminating from such a good young man who has such a firm grasp on how to promote and carry out change, I know we are in good hands and truth will prevail. Thanks.
