
People are often afraid of new philosophies, theories or information that contradicts current paradigms. This is especially true with people in power. Why was the Catholic Church so afraid of Copernicus’s and Galileo’s findings? Why was the Sanhedrin so afraid of Jesus and His teachings? Are there examples today of recent scientific findings or social or religious teachings that some powerful organizations, such as governments or businesses, are trying to suppress?
Throughout my studies, I am compelled to believe that the world, countries, and nations go through stages. Sometimes, these stages are more admirable, and sometimes less. The stage that Galileo and Copernicus lived in was not an admirable stage. In fact, that stage (which is now known as the dark ages) was arguably the worst stage in world history. The progress of the world during the dark ages was very little compared to the progress of the world during other stages of history. Take the twentieth century for example. In 1900, nobody could afford cars. They used trains and horses for transportation. Later in the same century, men were walking on the moon. In approximately two hundred years, more was accomplished to improve the world than in the previous two thousand years. The question is: why does the world go through stages like this? Who or what prevents the world from progressing, and what is their reason to?
Galileo Galilei
In 1610, Galileo published a book, Sidereus Nuncius, and he proposed many new ideas that were contrary to what the Catholic Church promoted. In 1616 and 1619, Galileo proposed more new theories that promoted and supported Nicolaus Copernicus’s works. Eventually, the church caught up with Galileo and sentenced him to indefinite imprisonment for heresy. In 1638 Galileo became totally blind, and in 1642, he faced his death. This story, along with many other stories from this time period, shows us that it was the Catholic Church that stopped success in the dark ages. The church controlled the world and the government, it had ultimate power, and it could pretty much do whatever it wanted.
Would a church of God prevent people from making choices and growing? Certainly not, because agency and growth are key parts in God’s plan. Throughout history we have also seen that if something is not of God, then it is of the devil. Thus, we come to the conclusion that the Catholic Church was of the devil. Ever since the beginning, Lucifer’s plan was to take away agency. During the dark ages, Satan used the Catholic Church to prevent choices and growth in the world. Even today, Satan is trying to destroy agency in the world by taking away morality and religion.
How does taking away God and religion subtract agency? Once again, we must remember that God’s plan is agency. If God is neglected, agency is neglected. Neglecting God and His commandments reduces our choices to do good works. Let’s say that a man murders another man. He is tried, and sentenced to life in prison. Tell me, is this agency or is this captivity? Once we know that Satan is real and that he really is trying to take freedom away from us, then we can better understand why people such as the Pope and others in the church were afraid of new ideas, inspiration, and knowledge.
The natural man is full of himself. He is only looking for things that will benefit him in the moment, and it doesn't matter what will improve the world or better the people. During the course history, devilish and natural men have figured out that if they could just limit the knowledge of the people, then they could control the people. If somebody didn't know what was right or wrong, he could tell them what was right and wrong. That is why people in power are and were afraid of people like Galileo, Copernicus, Martin Luther, and many others who learned and figured out truth then promoted it. That is why media promotes immorality and violence: because people in powerful positions (who were inspired of the devil) know that if they can take away God, then they can take away freedom. If they can take away freedom, they can take away knowledge. If they can take away knowledge, they can control the people and have power over them.
The world goes through stages because people forget their past. If everyone could wake up and see what was going on in the world at all times, there would only be one stage of the world. Throughout history, people must be awakened to the truth again and again because of their ignorance. The world is plummeting downward right now, and if we don’t stop it, the dark ages will happen all over again. We must stay awake now if we are to survive, because some have already fallen to the sleep of ignorance. People in power will try to stop us from promoting principles of truth, just like they tried to stop Galileo and Copernicus. If the world is to continue to progress, we must remember what happened before.
Philosophy Philosophy Reviewed by IJ Pack on 10:45 AM Rating: 5

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