God's Masterpiece

When one is sculpting marble, they must be very delicate. If a cut goes too deep or if a piece falls off of the marble, the whole sculpture may be ruined. Also, one cannot simply carve a sculpture out of marble in a matter of hours. It takes much time, and the sculpture can only be completed one hit after another. When one is done with their masterpiece, and they step back to observe it, they should wish to be very proud of their work. They have created something beautiful out of a rock that some may call ugly. The sculpture can only be created out of marble, because other types of rocks may have too much or too little fracture or cleavage to allow the chisel to work at them. Much hard work and effort is required to sculpt something, but in the end, the work is paid off by the beauty of the end result.
Just like Michaelangelo sculpted David,
we can let God sculpt us.
            This sculpture is us, and the sculptor is God. God is a perfect being, and He loves us no matter what we say or think about Him. He loves us enough to hurt us with his chisel. The most beautiful and perfect masterpiece can only be created by God, because God is the only One who is perfectly capable of creating the most beautiful, perfect masterpiece. Delicately but surely, God can chisel us into something of worth and beauty. If we let God be in control of our lives, then He will not ruin our sculptures. God will not let any good chunks of our lives fall off, but He will cause the bad chunks to fall off. God will not cut us so deep that we cannot bear it. Through Christ’s grace, we can be made beautiful and perfect.
            As God is chiseling us into better people, we cannot rush Him. He will work in His own time and in His own way. Rome wasn’t built in a day. We cannot become perfect overnight. It takes much time, and often much suffering for us to shake off our sins and for the bad chunks of our lives to fall off. Little by little, pebble by pebble, we can be sculpted into masterpieces. God does not give us all of the knowledge in the universe in one second. We must learn line upon line to progress into beautiful, perfect masterpieces.
            Often in our lives, we are tested by trials. These trials hurt, but they are for the better, even if we don’t see how. God can see the big picture of the entire masterpiece, and we must recognize that. We cannot question God or complain about what He is doing. He knows better than we do, so when He chisels off pieces of our lives, we cannot feel anger towards him. As we progress, we can look back at our trials, and eventually we will see the purpose of our hardships. When our trials are said and done, we must forget our anger, and we must feel thankful to God for our tests. When it is all over, we will see the masterpiece, and straightway thank the Creator. We will see that we were once horrible sinners, but God will have created beauty out of sinners like us.
            In order for God to chisel at our lives, we must decide to become the proper rock. We cannot just continue to assume to be sandstone, because God cannot work with sandstone. It takes work on our part to become the marble, and to allow God to help us in our lives. We have freedom and agency to choose whether we want God to chisel us or not. However, in the end, the beautiful marble sculpture is much greater than the sandstone. God can only chisel us if we let Him; therefore, it is our choice to become a beautiful, perfect sculpture or to stay as an ugly piece of sandstone. We cannot let the world and the devil chisel us into something wretched and wicked, unless we choose to become wretched and wicked. Though it hurts, God’s chisel is the only thing that can make us into our full potential. Whenever we are hurting, we must not shake our fists at God; rather; we must remember the sculpture that we want Him to create us into.

God's Masterpiece God's Masterpiece Reviewed by IJ Pack on 1:56 PM Rating: 5


  1. Dear Grandson, Isaiah. I am over powered by your works provided in the words you have shared with us. Through the efforts and the joy and happiness we can gain through the elements contained in all that you share with others. You forget yourself in order to help others recognize and realize the impact of a loving Heavenly Father in His continued teachings through your earthly parents. Continue your good works and present all that is meaningful when realizing God's Mark of Virtue from Sterling W. Sill's book entitled "That Ye Might Have Life."
    If you have an interest in Elder Sill's work you may be able to bring into the lives of many the greatness in his teachings. If you find an interest in pursuing the book of Elder Sill and bring the meaning of life more a Mark of Virtue. If you like grandfather will give you direction to just works that you can obtain and in a very loving way share with others through the words of others. This will allow you to find the way of truly learning more radiantly affection in the love you share with many. I am so proud of you!!!!
    Your loving earthly grandfather Clawson.

  2. Thanks Grandpa!
    I would love guidance from you in my pursuit of knowledge. I have read and I appreciate the excerpt that you sent me via email. I would definitely love to read Elder Sill's book, and I'll put that on my book list after I finish the books that I am reading now. Thanks so much!

  3. Powerful thoughts, Isaiah. May you always know the truth of them. God truly does shape and create us in His own time, lovingly and thoughtfully.

  4. I love this. It is well thought and well said. Thank-you for the reminder.
