
America. It’s where we live, where we were born, and where we were raised. America is where our parents and teachers taught us that freedom and liberty can only be maintained through the principles that our forefathers believed in, which are found in many of their writings. America is the land of opportunity, the land of the free, and the home of the brave. America is one of the most successful nations in the history of known mankind. America. Is this America now? Was this America? Has this always been America? When did America start? When will it end? Why will it end? Why did it start?
We live in an America today where many people are ignorant, uneducated, and confused. As we have seen in history, prosperity often leads to pride. This is where America is now, or perhaps it is already on the downfall. America is over fifteen trillion dollars in debt.[i] We have political leaders who, for the most part, desire to destroy the principles that our forefathers fought for[ii]. The American family is falling apart. Immorality[iii], violence, pornography, vulgarity, and plain wickedness are not only accepted in society, but promoted everywhere you look. The principles of the Constitution have been forgotten. Our ancestors gave everything they had for America, and everything they did and fought for has been forgotten. Will their deeds go to waste? Or have they already?
What would the founders, such as 
George Washington, say if they saw 
America today?
Throughout American history, we have witnessed many stages of time when America seemed doomed to destruction. America had no business going to war against the most powerful military force in the world, not to mention beating them, but they did. There was no reason for the United States to stay united during the Civil War, but it did. How did America do it? For some reason, in every circumstance of despair that America went through, heroes stepped up and turned it in the right direction. Heroes like George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., and countless others appeared at the right time to do what needed to be done in order for this nation to survive. In today’s “American Crisis”, virtuous, strong heroes are needed more than ever to keep this nation going.
After America miraculously became independent from Great Britain, this nation was falling apart. The regulations that were established in America were weak[iv], the nation was struggling financially, and many of the colonists still wanted a king. In the midst of all this turmoil, heroes arose. They came together to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania at Independence Hall to save the United States of America. One of the most difficult things that have ever been done in world history was creating the supreme law of the land for this nation, but it was accomplished. The principles in that document are the key to America’s success, and today, America does not know or care. The principles are already laid down. All we have to do is follow them.
How are we supposed to fill this seemingly bottomless hole that we dug ourselves into? There is only one way to fill this hole: speck of dirt by speck of dirt. We need to start with ourselves. Learn for yourself the principles of the Constitution of the United States so that you can be in a position to teach others. Move to your families. Teach them all you can. Have faith in God, and teach morality and cleanliness. A government system that is as perfect as ours cannot be operated by an immoral and wicked people. Educate as many people as you can. Teach your community these principles. Do the best that you can do. If you can get at least one person to change, that makes all the difference in the world.
So the question is: when will America end? That is for us to decide. Hopefully, America will live on and never end, but only our choices can affect what happens. If America did end, it would end because of us neglecting the principles that our forefathers fought for. You decide: will America die? Will America end? Or will America live on?
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”—Abraham Lincoln

[i] “How bad are US Debt Levels?” BBC News. 16 October, 2013. 4 November, 2013. <>
[ii] Flurry, Gerald. “The U.S. Constitution Is Over 95 Percent Destroyed!” The Trumpet. August, 2011. 4 November, 2013.
[iii] Samuel, Stephanie. “Are Americans Getting Comfortable With Immorality?” The Christian Post. 27 May, 2011. 4 November, 2013.
[iv] “Faults and Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation.” Social-Science-Soapbox. 4 November, 2013.
America America Reviewed by IJ Pack on 8:17 PM Rating: 5

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