
Can words on a page really have that much power?
How can creations such as books, songs, and speeches have such remarkable power? The simple reason is this: each of these is made up of words, and words possess astonishing abilities to influence people. However, this power can be used negatively as well as for good. The lyrics in a song can either lift you up or tear you down. The climax of a speech can inspire you to make a change for good or bring degrading thoughts into your mind and heart. That book on your shelf can influence a change in your life for the better or for the worse. Often we speak words without previously giving much thought to them, but little do we know what effect those words have. The human race must learn the power of positive words so that we can make this world a better place. How can we do this? One way is looking to leaders and examples of the past. The ultimate example of the power of positive words was Jesus Christ. No negative communication ever escaped His mouth, and look at the impact for good He had on the world. Positive words can really have positive power. It’s amazing what power such a small thing can have. So it’s your choice: will you use uplifting words and change the world for good? Or will you make a difference for the worse through degrading words? It all depends on you.
Aspire Aspire Reviewed by IJ Pack on 1:09 PM Rating: 5

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