What Would I Do If I Was President of the United States of America?

            I understand that the president of the United States is undoubtedly the most powerful position on Earth. Also though, you have to realize that with great power comes great responsibility. Being the president of this country is also the toughest leadership position to be in. Now, what would I do as president of the United States? I can never be sure because I have never been in the position (obviously). These things aren’t necessarily what I would do, but I would definitely attempt them. Our country is plummeting downward right now, and there are so many problems that nobody can even count, not to mention solving them. I may not be able to fix these problems, but I can try.
            The first thing I would attempt to do is repeal the 17th amendment to the United States Constitution. Why would I do this? Well, the 17th amendment establishes direct election of United States senators by popular vote. This means the senators, instead of being appointed by the state legislature like they used to be, are now elected by us, the people. You may think this is a good thing, because it gives the people more power and more freedom, but this is a horrible amendment. I will tell you why. First of all, only one delegate who attended the Constitutional Convention in 1787 that supported electing senators by popular vote. Seeing this, we must realize that this amendment takes away the brilliance of the Constitution, and minors the amazing government in which it brought this country. Here is why: the people of the United States already have Congress representation in the House of Representatives. The point of the state legislatures appointing senators was to give the states representation in Congress. Often the states’ desires and wants differ from the people’s wants and desires. We need to get rid of this amendment because the states need Congress representation, so that we can have stronger states, as well as strong people and a strong country. The states need Congress representation. We need to follow the principles of the Constitution, the most brilliant document ever written. We can not turn away from what God has given us through our founding fathers. Congress representation is the first thing I would give the states if I was president of this country.
It's hard to say what I would do if I worked in
            Another huge problem in our country right now is National Debt. The federal government has been borrowing money from other states (mainly China) to pay for government-funding programs that we don’t even need. Now, states like China won’t even let the federal government borrow more money, so the federal government is using money that they don’t have to pay for programs that they don’t need. Plus, we are in a lot of debt to China and other states. How dumb is that? That would be another problem which I would attempt to fix. You may ask: how do you eliminate debt? Well, here is how I would do it. Two words: create jobs. How does this eliminate debt? When people don’t have jobs, they rely on the government for money, and right now the federal government is giving them money so that they don’t have to work. So instead of using their revenue to pay off debt, the federal government is using it to give the people who don’t work. I will not blame some of them, though, because some just can’t find jobs to work at. So how would I create jobs for these people? One man who came up with a great plan to create jobs was Mitt Romney. I don’t believe in everything that Romney has done, but this plan is genius. So, to create jobs, I would use Mitt Romney’s famous five-point plan: 1. Take advantage of our energy. This will give people more jobs in energy. 2. Teach children in schools skills for their later lives. This is crucial because the next generation will always be handling the problems which the last generation left behind for them to fix. Also, the more skills they have, the more jobs they will be able to get. 3. Create trade agreements with other states. This will give more jobs to the people of the U.S. by boosting U.S. exports, which will create or support hundreds of thousands of jobs. 4. Support more entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs are the people who create jobs, because they create businesses which give people jobs. 5. Champion small business. By reducing taxes on small business, we can create more opportunity for the businesses to give people jobs. This is a brilliant five point plan which will create jobs for people so that they will not have to rely on the government for money. I would also attempt to eliminate useless government programs which give people (who are capable of working) money so that they do not have a desire to work. I may send some of these programs to the states as well, because the states could handle them more efficiently than the federal government.
            Another thing I would attempt to do as president (and the last thing I will mention here) is promote principles. I believe that this will fix many of the biggest problems this country has. Three of the biggest problems we have are: One, we are turning away from the principles of the Constitution and the brilliant government system it has given us. Two, as a people, we are lacking morality. We aren’t as moral as we once were as a people. Three, the American people do not believe in this country. We don’t believe in the American Dream or the Land of Opportunity anymore, because there is no guarantee that if we graduate from college that we will get a good job. By promoting principles, we can help people realize that we need to embrace the Constitution, become more moral, and believe in America.
            These are three things I would attempt to do if I was president, so that I could help turn this train around so that it doesn’t nose-dive off of the cliff that it is headed towards. This is possibly the most crucial aspect of this place and this time period: getting America back to the state where it once was. That is what I would help to do if I was president of the United States of America.
What Would I Do If I Was President of the United States of America? What Would I Do If I Was President of the United States of America? Reviewed by IJ Pack on 8:26 PM Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. It is SO refreshing to hear someone talking about principles and truth in a political way. I think people are thirsting for it. You will do/are doing a lot of good for people and for this country. If you ever run for president, I will certainly vote for you!!
