The Constitution: The Key to a Nation's Success

            More than two hundred thirty five years before today, a group of simple men, some called scholars and some called farmers, each representing states from the new union of the United States of America, sat down together at Independence Hall in the sweltering humidity of a Philadelphia summer. Guided by none other than that divine Providence which has appeared all over critical events of this history’s growth, these simple but inspired men, with all their different opinions and arguments, miraculously came together to produce a document. This document, now known as the United States Constitution, undoubtedly changed the world forever. The Constitution was the best thing that ever happened to this country. Without it, history would be repeated again. For hundreds; even thousands of years, the people of nations would have no say in their laws or their government. Nations would have no success because the people were controlled by the government. Everything a person did; everything a person created would be taken by the government. So men of this new nation, who had studied past government systems, knew that if this nation was to be successful, it needed good government without a king. That is the reason that this document; that this government system was created. The Constitution of the United States holds the guidelines to the most successful government system this world had ever known, therefore if any nation is to be successful; it must abide by the principles of that document.
            One reason that the Constitution is the key to a nation’s success is that the men who created it had studied past government systems. In order to prepare for the future, the past must be studied. Every government system has its flaws, so parts which worked were taken out of each government system to create a more perfect union. Many people believe that America’s democracy was modeled after the Greeks’ or the Romans’, but the founders actually insisted that democracy should be modeled after the government of ancient Israel and the laws of Moses. John Adams, who wasn’t able to attend the convention but did make a difference in our government, believed that the Hebrews did more than the Greeks to “enlighten and civilize the world”. The founders also studied many other government systems, including that of the Anglo-Saxons. Many past government systems were created without any look back to see what had worked before. This is why these government systems were not successful. In order to create government which works, a person must look back at what has and hasn’t worked before. That is one reason that the Constitution is necessary for a successful nation—the men who created it knew what would and wouldn’t work, because they had looked back and studied what had and hadn’t worked in the past.
            Another reason the Constitution will create success is that this nation has been successful in the past. Look at how much progress has been made in this world since the Constitution. More progress has been made in the past two hundred years than in the some five thousand years the world has existed before that. Look around you at all the technology we have today. All of this was made possible through this country, the United States of America. This system of government has always worked because, here in America, we are free to create our own businesses sell our own products, and invent our own inventions. We will get credit for what we do here, and that is why this land has been called the land of opportunity. Just look at what we have accomplished here in America with our rights and our creations. As more time passes, more people are realizing that this nation is the place to come to if you want success. That is another reason the Constitution will bring success: it has before.
            The final reason which I will mention that the Constitution will bring success is that the men who created this document were inspired. God helped those men as they were creating this nation. Benjamin Franklin said, during the convention, “God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?” Alexander Hamilton, talking in the convention as well, said, about the Constitution: For my own part, I sincerely esteem it a system which without the finger of God, never could have been suggested and agreed upon by such a diversity of interests.” James Madison read Isaiah 33:22 in the convention, “For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; He will save us.” These men who framed our government knew that without God, this government system could not have come together like it did. They knew that God was helping them the whole way through that convention. And that is perhaps the most convincing reason that the Constitution will bring success.
            Our country is still amazing. The stars and stripes waving in the wind, still can, and still do represent this land of opportunity; this land of the free, this home of the brave. The extensive blue sky over the luscious sea of grain, the pure, white, domed building, with its powerful columns shooting down into a solid foundation of stone, the soft, grainy sands on the shores of the Pacific; these beloved symbols still do represent this great nation, in which many brave, inspired souls have rung the bell of liberty and justice all over the world. Our country; our nation is still the most successful and inspired nation the world has ever seen. But to have success, we must abide by the principles of the Constitution. That document is the key to our success here in America. If we don’t abide by the guidelines in which that document has, we will fall. That is why the Constitution of the United States of America is the only way to a nation’s success.
The Constitution: The Key to a Nation's Success The Constitution: The Key to a Nation's Success Reviewed by IJ Pack on 12:54 PM Rating: 5