A Starry Night

            I’m not one that would say I like nature, or that I have much of an interest in it, but I sure know that we live in a beautiful world. Being away from civilization is definitely a testimony to that, and being able to be a part of God’s wonders in nature is a refreshing and calming experience. I haven’t been to half the places that most people have, but I know this is true, even though I haven’t really traveled much.
            It’s incredible to be in forests, see majestic mountains or delicately-shaped rock formations; to be on a beach or in a boat and feel the rippling current as it flows around your wet hand. It’s amazing to be in the middle of a prairie full of luscious green grass and to look out and see only green all the way to the horizon. Looking up at the clouds on a bright day, a stormy day, or especially while the sun is rising or setting; it gives you an indescribable feeling. But the one element of nature that amazes me the most is the night sky.

            It’s a very rare occurrence for most people in our civilization to be able to see a starry night in its full glory because of the light pollution that we experience every night. Now don’t get me wrong, I think a brightly lit up city is a very beautiful thing, but nothing else compares to seeing a sky full of stars. Not only does it make you endlessly dream and wonder about life, but seeing the stars can be a very healing experience for anyone going though a tough time. I say this because I’ve experienced it myself. You are able to look outside of yourself when you see something like that. When you can see so many stars that you can’t count them and you ponder on how many worlds and galaxies are out there, you begin to realize how small and insignificant your problems are. But at the same time, you also begin to see how important you are, and how loved you are, because you can know that there is a loving God that created a plan for you to be happy. You can more fully understand how much of a miracle it is that God personally understands and loves you infinitely.
            I believe that God created everything on this good Earth to remind us of Him and His love for us, and I think if we were able to get out in nature more, there would be a lot less depression and selfishness in this world. People get so caught up in their day-to-day lives that they easily forget the importance of remembering God’s love and using it in their lives. As a society, we spend so much time with technology that we sometimes forget to look up from our cell phones for just a moment to see what God has given us. We talk a lot about making the world a better place, but perhaps taking the time to appreciate the place that this world actually is would make us a happier people. So next time you are struggling with something, take the time to go out on a hike or watch the sunset or look up at the sky at night, because it truly does make you happier by helping you to appreciate how much God has given you.

Looking at the stars and the vast void around the Earth below
I am so amazed to realize it’s a small world after all
I can see the human race can only see what’s in their face
So much more is out there; we’re on Earth, but there is outer space
Over the green sea or on a tree; there’s places you can be to see
And realize there’s more to the universe than “M” and “E”

You can make it. Don’t fake it.
A Starry Night A Starry Night Reviewed by IJ Pack on 6:22 PM Rating: 5

1 comment

  1. There is something that defies logic that happens when I allow myself to sit and just look at a sky like you described. It is like I am able to see myself in perspective: my smallness and greatness all at the same time. I don't know what it is about nature, but I am grateful for it. Well written. Keep sharing.
